
Overview on Risk An overview on Risks and Risk Management

Please be advised: Cryptocurrencies and Digital Assets are inherently risky. Cryptocurrencies are naturally subject to volatile price action. Nothing on this website should be considered Financial Advice. Under the United States Securities and Exchange's (SEC) Howey Test, Catalorian is not a Security. An individual receives a Security in exchange for providing money and subsequently expecting profit off the work of others. No relationship is created between any parties; no party, neither the user nor Catalorian, owes any obligation to the other. No party is performing any work on behalf of the other. Catalorian creators do not work for you, and you do not work for Catalorian. No party has made any promises to any other party. Catalorian is merely a decentralized gateway for long-term value accrual and high-yield savings for as long as blockchains and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) offers rewards or emissions for data validation and data security. Catalorian is not designed as a Security and is neither subject to nor compliant with Federal or International Laws and Regulations governing Securities. Individuals who reside in countries which ban or restrict the possession or acquisition of cryptocurrencies or digital assets are prohibited from acquiring Catalorian tokens or interacting with any Dapp. The information contained on this site is for informational and educational purposes only. We recommend you consult with your Financial Advisor, Accountant, and Tax Attorney prior to making any financial decision. Catalorian and its creators are not responsible for any capital gains or losses incurred by users. Do your own research and consult with experts before making any financial decisions. Do not spend money you cannot afford to lose.

Disclosures - Sanctions

U.S. -sanctioned individuals and residents of U.S. -sanctioned countries are prohibited from acquiring, possessing, or trading Catalorian. By interacting with Catalorian, any Dapp, and/or the Catalorian token, or within any Decentralized Exchange (DEX) or Centralized Exchange (CEX), you are self-certifying that you are not a sanctioned individual prohibited from purchasing, acquiring, or otherwise holding or trading Catalorian.

Disclaimer - General

Disclaimer: Catalorian is a decentralized cryptocurrency project which introduces a native digital asset (token), Catalorian. Catalorian is not owned by any one person or entity. Neither the creators of Catalorian, nor Catalorian itself are responsible for losses, mistakes, errors, or inaccuracies you experience or encounter while interacting with Catalorian website, Dapp, Documentation, social media accounts, or the Catalorian token. By interacting with this Website, you expressly agree to use this platform and/or trade or possess these tokens and at your own risk. No information on this website, platform, or Dapp should be considered financial, legal, tax, or accounting advice in any capacity. Catalorian is neither an investment, nor a Security, and is not subject to the jurisdiction of the SEC or any Securities agency.

Parody Law

The Catalorian character was created by the GROK Artificial Intelligence (AI) program with the intent of being a Meme or Parody. Catalorian and all of its attributes are protected as a Parody under Section 107 of the Copyright Act. Catalorian and all of its attributes are in no way representative of the TV Series “The Mandalorian”, nor does it represent the opinions expressed thereof.

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